Monday, April 14, 2008

Spiritual Warfare

There's been a lot I've wanted to talk about lately, yet, I have been unable to find the motivation to type it...

However, I feel it's more important that I talk about this first.

Imagine, your whole life spent in a war.
A war you're meant to win.
A war made for you to triumph over.
But in this war, you feel so incredibly depressed... supressed... isolated.
You can't see the end of this war... you can't see the light at the end. You know there is a light, but you just can't see it!
You feel trapped! Like you cannot escape, you long to escape... but you're held down. Chained to this misery.. this war.

My life, it seems... has been a constant war. A war in my mind.
A war that I was made to win, yet felt as though it was all in vain.
Even more so recently, as I have taken steps at rebuilding my faith (my faith is constantly under construction), it's been getting a heck of a lot harder.
Over the Easter weekend, I was so excited about what God had planned for that time. But as the weekend progressed, I was paralysed by this warfare that was going on inside of me.

"How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and everyday have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?" Psalm 13:2

I'm sure we've all felt this way at some point in our lives. I think we often forget in times of spiritual warfare, how big our God truly is and that he's going to be the one that saves us... everytime.

So, two weekends after Easter Camp, I became a senior soldier at the Salvation Army. Praise God. And you know what? I felt so free. Chains that had once enslaved me, just disappeared!

Of course... The struggle is only going to get tougher from now on because I am a threat!!! God has this amazing revival planned, one in which I have a part... and Satan- he's terrified. Revival is the last thing he wants.

I'm lucky though. I have Jesus.

"For he has delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes." Psalm 54:7

I've been forgiven, I've been set free, RESTORED and SANCTIFIED, in Christ I've been redeemed.

And I am free.

1 comment:

Sarah Eldridge said...

Beautiful Lauren, I had wondered what was going on at Easter Camp, you didn't really seem like the "you" I knew. But you've got to believe, that when (and note it's when not if) the spiritual attack is going on, it's usually because you are about to step into something God ordained. So naturally before you enter into a covenant relationship (soldiership) the battle is going to be the hardest yet. You've written so well about this babe, and you need to know, that the battle is not yours alone - God is fighting it for you, but you might need to find a few "armour bearers" to stand alongside you and cover you in prayer. I'd be happy to be one of them in the future. Keep fighting the good fight you mighty warrior!