Thursday, January 31, 2008

Made on purpose for a purpose.

What can I say except that it has been a very trying month? Both mentally, physically and spiritually.
God has called me to serve him, and the calling has been loud and clear.
He has asked for sacrifice and promised to provide. And I know he will.

What can I say except that I am extremely proud to be a child of God?
I have the peace of God in my heart, and it is indescribable. I have searched and searched and search. Finally... I have found what it is I am here for, and I have found where I belong.

What can I say except that it has been a long and confusing journey?
I'm not there yet. Only by the strength of Jesus Christ my Saviour can I really travel this long and weary journey. And it is with Christ I am determined to live. To everything, the answer is Christ. And Christ is God. And God is love. As long as I have love in my life, I'll be able to travel this road.

What can I say except that there is no one like the God of Heaven, my God?
Nothing. No one compares. No one ever will.
The Lord reigns forever. The holy trinity. The spirit which I have within me, Christ; by whose grace I am saved, and God in heaven.

There is no one like my God.
There is no love that is as perfect as his.
There is nothing as filling as the holy spirit.
Nothing can save the world but Jesus.

Praise God, he reigns, always and forevermore.

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